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by: Dr. Gary Young
Dr. Gary Young is a leading researcher of essential oils in North America and founder and president of Young Living Essential Oils Company. Dr. Young is one of the world's largest producers and distributors of organically grown therapeutic-grade essential oils. On his farms in Idaho and Utah, he grows and distills his own essential oils. He designed all the harvesting, cultivating and planting equipment himself and has the largest privately owned distilleries in the world, producing the finest quality oils that have been produced in the world bar none. After an injury confined him to a wheelchair, he entered a search for natural healing methods and not only healed himself, but discovered life-changing principles, which have opened up healing doors to countless others.
Most children are vaccinated three times by the time they enter grade school, the first in infancy, the second before kindergarten and then re-vaccination before entering Grade 1. The accumulation of these vaccines is what is killing our children and suppressing their immune systems. Are children dying of vaccinations? Absolutely.
My research team has gone to the courts in various states with court orders under the Freedom of Information Act to get information on vaccine contamination that the universities would not release. These documents show that vaccines reduce our immunity in many important ways because they contain many chemicals and heavy metals like mercury and aluminum which are themselves immune suppressing. Mercury actually causes changes in lymphocyte activity. Epidemics and increase in death rates follow vaccinations in every country.
This information is not unknown to our government agencies. The pharmaceutical companies push these vaccines so they can line their pockets with billions and billions of dollars while these vaccinations are injuring and killing people. Five drug companies made nine vaccines given to millions of American children - they used materials with possible Mad Cow links, and this continued for seven years before they even investigated it! It is terrible what's going on and they are claiming that this is necessary to protect your children. It is nothing but a fraudulent activity against the people.
PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN We must begin to take a stand for our rights and our freedoms. If the people of America knew the truth about vaccines, there would be a great war waged against the medical system for forcing children to be vaccinated. If you love your children, form a coalition and start fighting this. The Consumer Health Organization of Canada is a non-profit organization, and could possibly put a lobbying group together and you folks could donate some money to help this group go to Ottawa and start lobbying for your rights. If you don't start rising up and standing up for your rights, it's only going to get worse. There is nothing I would love to see more than a coalition of people rise up and file a class action suit against these pharmaceutical companies until we take them out.
Show me one place in the Bible where it says, "Go thou unto the pharmacists and be vaccinated!"
There are options or alternative ways to prevent these diseases. There is no reason for vaccinations. If your immune system were not capable of defending you against these diseases, you wouldn't be here in the first place. You have an immune system. God gave it to you and God knew what you were going to deal with when he created this world and created us.
PROGRESSION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES BEFORE AND AFTER VACCINES I have charts and graphs which show that the many of the infectious diseases we're dealing with today were basically dead in the world until vaccines were re-introduced in the twenties, and vaccines have reawakened many of these diseases and brought them back with a vengeance. After the introduction of a vaccine for any particular disease, after a period of about 5 to 8 years, that particular disease mutates and develops a resistance to the vaccine, and then the disease rate begins to climb.
TUBERCULOSIS Graphs show that the tuberculosis virus itself was on a steady and gradual decline. It was eliminating itself from the world, until they introduced vaccines, and now it's on the rise.
TETANUS The Tetanus vaccine was introduced in the Dominican Republic in l975, and graphs showed a rise in the death rate along with inflammations and immune suppression. Tetanus was on a steady decline until they re-introduced the vaccine.
MEASLES The same thing. Measles eradicated itself and declined steadily until they re-introduced the vaccine for measles and now it's starting to climb again.
DIPHTHERIA Here we see the same thing again. Diphtheria went way up and then it slowly started declining until they introduced the vaccine again and then there was a steady increase. Going back in time, we see that the disease was basically eradicated before the vaccine was introduced.
WHOOPING COUGH When the whooping cough vaccine was introduced, we see a delay period of 5 to 10 years where it has to accumulate in the body, starts suppressing immune function and then the next generation of children are born and whooping cough is on the rise again. This happens in every single case, not just 1 out of 10, but every case.
SCARLET FEVER had declined before the introduction of immunization.
DPT (Diphtheria, Pertussin, Tetanus) This vaccine is given to children within a year after they are born. Almost 50 years ago in 1948 two Harvard Medical School scientists, Randolph Byers and Frederick Moll, along with the FDA, carried out tests on DPT vaccines at Children's Hospital in Boston and concluded that severe neurological problems followed administration of DPT vaccines. The results of the tests were published in Pediatrics, a respected medical journal. They were ignored by the medical and pharmaceutical community, who had a vested financial interest in continuing the practice. In 1976, Charles Manclark, an FDA scientist, remarked that "the DPT vaccine had one of the worst failure rates of any product submitted to the Division of Biologics for testing." In 1992, the Institute of Medicine concluded that evidence is consistant with a casual relationship between DPT and acute encephalopathy. The neurological disorders that we now see are definitely increasing, as are death rates of children under 15 years from vaccines.
Avoid Flu Shots! - ALZHEIMER'S AND THE FLU VACCINE Research by Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, M.D., the world's leading immunogeneticist and 13th most quoted biologist of our times (author of nearly 850 papers in peer reviewed journals), shows that individuals who had five consecutive flu shots between 1970 and l980 (the time of the study) have a ten times higher chance of getting Alzheimer's disease than if they had only one or two or no shots. How much clearer does it have to be? Is Alzheimer's on the rise? How many of you who are 50 and older can remember hearing about Alzheimer's 25 years ago? What happened? When did they start giving flu shots? It's all in the documentation. Dr. Fudenberg claimed that the problem was due to the mercury and aluminum in every flu shot (and most childhood shots as well). The gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in the brain causes cognitive dysfunction. Flu shots contain 25 micrograms of mercury. One microgram is considered toxic. (NVIC International Vaccine Conference, Arlington, VA September, 1997. Hugh Fudenberg, MD, is Founder and Director of Research, Neuro lmmuno Therapeutic Research Foundation.) The Johns Hopkins newsletter, l998, also predicted that Alzheimer's could quadruple in coming years.
ANTHRAX VACCINE sold by BioPort. Documented research shows that the anthrax vaccine is contaminated and in fact it doesn't work. It just destroys your immune system. Everyone gets panicky about anthrax. Have you ever been around a cow or a horse or on a farm? Anthrax is on every farm that exists in the world. So if you have ever been around a cow or a horse and you don't have anthrax, you have a natural immunity to it. So, why worry about being vaccinated? The best and the greatest safeguard you've got in the world is building a strong body and keeping it pure and clean. God said, "My spirit will not dwell in an unclean house."
VACCINE INGREDIENTS The list of ingredients which are the base substances in most vaccinations will make your blood start to boil. Mercury and aluminum, pus and sores of diseased animals. horse serum, calf serum, fecal matter, urine, and macerated cancer cells! Formaldehyde (embalming fluid), a preservative for the vaccine, a known carcinogen; a synthetic phenol, also a carcinogen, that may cause paralysis, convulsions, coma, necrosis and gangrene; Simian monkey virus No. 40 in polio vaccines. These are the major base ingredients that are used to formulate every vaccine. This is what they're putting in you when you get a flu shot and when your children get their vaccinations.
Why would anyone want to put this into their blood?
MERCURY POISONING By age two, American children have received 237 micrograms of mercury through vaccines alone, which far exceeds the EPA safe levels of 1/l0th of a microgram per kilogram per day. It is particularly toxic to infants. At birth they are given Hepatitis B containing 12 micrograms of mercury, 30 times safe levels. At four months, DPT containing 50 micrograms of mercury, 60 times safe levels. At six months, Hepatitis B and polio with 65.2 micrograms of mercury, 78 times above safe levels, and at 15 months another 50 micrograms, 4l times above the safe level. These figures are calculated for an infant's average weight in kilograms for each age. These one-day blasts of mercury are called bolus doses. There has never been any research conducted on the toxicity of such doses. My son is not vaccinated and he will never be. I will fight to the death before I allow it to happen if I have to take him to some foreign island in the South Pacific.
AUTISM is related to mercury poisoning. Mercury is found in every vaccine. Mercury is a potent neurotoxin and infants and young children are very vulnerable to the impacts of mercury because it can affect the developing brain. Dr. Candice Pert, internationally recognized pharmacologist, said that there has been an increase in autism of 500% to 600% in the last ten years. Compared to 20 years ago, there is an increase of 1,000%! And the disease is appearing in certain new forms such as regressive forms of autism where the children are initially fine, but regress when they're about a year and a half old, around the time they get the vaccines. Many mothers believe that the vaccines are responsible.
Editor's Note. WASHINGTON, March 27, 2003/U.S. Newswire. A new study of mercury in childhood vaccines demonstrates that the doses are in excess of the Federal Safety Guidelines and show alarming evidence for a link between these excessive doses of mercury from thimerosal-containing vaccines and neurodevelopment disorders such as autism and speech disorders as well as heart disease. Those are the findings of the study published in the current issue of the peer-reviewed Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons authored by Mark Geier, MD, PhD, President of the Genetic Centers of America and David Geier. The authors also conclude that the U.S. should ban the use of thimerosal in all vaccines. The authors point to exploding rates of autism since introduction of thimerosal in vaccines.
TRAVEL VACCINES I have travelled to just about every country in the world. I haven't been vaccinated yet, and I've never brought a disease back from any of those countries. There are some countries that say they require a vaccination in order to go there, but folks, it's a lie. For example: three years ago, you couldn't get a visa to go to Pakistan as an American unless you were vaccinated, but no vaccination is required from the land of Saudi Arabia , so we flew to Oman and got a visa from Oman to Pakistan.
Your body is a temple of God and when you vaccinate it, you have just violated it with the worst sin on the planet.
How can you be a vessel when you put that deadly poison inside God's temple?
Your skin is the largest absorbing organ of the entire body. What you put on your skin will be on it all day long absorbing and going into your blood stream. Folks, if you're not going to eat it, then don't wear it.
Do you brush your teeth with a toothpaste from the drug store? It's cheap, only $l.49. Then you spend the rest of your life going to the dentist paying thousands of dollars, and you wonder why you get flu, head colds, head congestion, failing eyesight and polyps in the nose. A major ingredient in a common standard toothpaste is sodium laurel sulfate which was created for degreasing engines on automobiles. It's a deadly toxic substance. Every single common toothpaste, shampoo, bar soap, shaving foam, after-shave, and lipstick contains sodium laurel sulfate. It is a very cheap material that is the base for most of the other ingredients. Researchers have linked sodium laurel sulfate with major allergies in children.
Another chief ingredient in skin and hair products is propylene glycol. Every single agent in these hair conditioners and other products are deadly chemicals with severe side effects. It's the same thing with shampoo. Sodium laurel sulfate is at the top of the list, and then propylene glycol, and yellow #5, SD&C Red artificial colourings. These are all known allergens. How many people go to the doctor every year and have allergy shots because they have allergies and they don't know why.
Allergies are not a disease. Allergies are nothing more than your body saying, "I'm saturated with all these chemicals! Would you please just take me out and shoot me. I can't deal with it anymore". So it has a reaction. It hopes that you will just stop putting this crap on and into your body. Detoxify your body and your allergies are history.
Diaper ointment contains benzyl alcohol, paraffin, glycerol and propylene glycol. Are these not petrochemicals? Has anybody ever had anti-freeze on their hands? It burns like crazy. Propylene glycol is cheap. It's a stabilizer, a preservative, and it takes up anywhere from 50 to 60% of the ingredient volume! That's what's in your diaper ointment.
Don't put chemicals on your children. Love your children enough to either give them something pure or don't give them anything more than water. Don't let your body get chemicalized and the receptor sites impeded so that you can't replicate healthy living cells.
Become label readers. Start educating yourselves. We don't need chemicals, and we don't need drugs. We need what God created when he created this Earth. He gave us all the tools that we need to sustain life and protect us from these marauding diseases and viruses that have been created by man for money.
ESSENTIAL OIL PRODUCTS ARE EDIBLE I made a hand and body lotion, and every single one of the ingredients can be eaten. You may not like the taste of it, but it may be the healthiest thing that you ingest all day. I use milk protein and phospholipids and amino acids and methionine with amino acids, gluco-proteins and essential oils, lavender, clary sage, lemon, and jasmine, herbal extracts and vitamins in my aroma silk conditioner. You could eat every single item there individually or collectively. I made Tender Tush for our children and for my son Jacob. In reality, I made it for mommies to prevent stretch marks. Women don't have to have stretch marks just because they have babies. When my son was born the first thing I did was cover his little body with frankincense oil and the entire umbilical cord with myrtle oil.
Old people in certain primitive countries like Hunza Land, Azerbaijan and Vilcabamba in Equador, were able to live to l40 and l60 years of age because they knew a few secrets. These people don't vaccinate their children. They don't take flu vaccines. They don't run to the doctor and the hospital every time the wind blows sideways. They do the things that they were taught by their ancestors. If they start feeling a little sick, they go off some food. Ever watch a dog when he gets sick? What does he do? He quits eating and he goes and starts eating grass. But what do we do when we get sick? Go to the hospital and get treated with jello and ice cream and 7-Up with seven teaspoons of sugar.
I visited these cultures and met people 100, 140, 160 years of age without a single thing wrong with them, still able to read the newspaper without glasses. All the people I met in these countries were farmers. They work and labour in the fields, chopping wood, milking cows, scrubbing clothes, moving the lymphatic fluid. They're still farming the old way, with a hand scythe, with horses or donkeys or oxen and they don't use chemicals. Chemicals are what's killing all of us. They're exercising, not a half-hour a day at the gym, but all day long, and the exercise stimulates the production of Human Growth Hormone. These people never had colds or coughs in their entire lives. Their eyes are bright, their skin is clear. They go mountain climbing at 130.
There are no secrets but there are lost and forgotten ways of life. In every country that I have visited, these old people all practiced fasting every year in the springtime for 30 days. It's not a total fast. They fast from daylight until dark and then they drink juices or eat fruit or vegetable soup during the evening.
During fasting, Human Growth Hormone secretes more than at any other time of your life. The only exception is during strength training where your body will produce even more Human Growth Hormone. Human growth hormone is the modulator for the immune system to keep you healthy and vital.
The other thing that is really critical is they eat foods that contain phos-phatidylserine compounds that are found in soy and foods that are high in Vitamin C.
The Inner Mongolian people actually have the longest history of continual longevity. One thousand years ago, their life expectancy was 120 years. Today their life expectancy is 120 years. It is the only country left in the world where the life expectancy has not declined with the introduction of the American diet. In Hunza Land, their life expectancy has dropped from 160 years to under l00 years. When I was there last year, all of the old people that I had met years ago were all dead. There are no more old people in Hunza Land and never will be ever again. The children had runny noses and were drinking soda pop. The great-great- great grandparents had never tasted soda pop in their lives. They wouldn't touch it, and it tore their hearts out to see their grandchildren and great-grandchildren eating these things they knew would kill them.
Essential oils were man's first medicine and they were used thousands of years ago. For many years, I believed that herbs were man's first medicine, but recent discoveries from Egyptian and Chinese scrolls show that oils were actually our first medicine. Herbs evolved as medicine when the peasants and slaves observed royalty using the oils with great success. Since they were restricted from using the oils, they started boiling and steeping the herbs and making teas and poultices.
Open your Bible to the book of Exodus and read about essential oils. Throughout the Bible it talks of these various oils and how they were used to protect the people. Hyssop is anti-viral and was used for cleansing the lepers and healing leprosy. Over 40 biblical references are written on hyssop alone. The garments smelled of myrrh and aloe which was sandalwood, not aloe vera. These oils contained anti-viral, anti-fungal and immune stimulating properties.
STIMULATING THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Breathing an essential oil is very effective and can stimulate the immune system. Less volatile oils with heavier molecular weights like myrrh and frankincense remain much longer in the nasal cavity. Many oils, particularly those containing sesquiterpenes and phenols that are high in oxygen, will increase the oxygen around the pituitary and pineal glands as much as 28%.
ANTI-INFLAMMATORY Essential oils like methyl salicylate found in birch and wintergreen are highly anti-inflammatory.Thymol found in thyme bulgaris is 20 times stronger than phenol. Phenol carries one oxygen molecule and is found in many of the oils, but methyl salicylate carries two more.
ESSENTIAL OILS ARE ANTIBACTERIAL, ANTIFUNGAL AND ANTIVIRAL The essential oil works solely as the plant's immune defense-mechanism. They fight infection; they are antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral. Because essential oils have such a strong action against bacteria, viruses and fungus, they are highly effective against the viruses that are facing us today. Research in universities around the world has never found a virus that can mutate in the presence of certain essential oils, particularly oils high in limonene and phenols. Grapefruit has the highest amount of limonenes. Also orange, tangerines, mandarin, lemon and white fir. Limonene which is a very potent anti-viral is now being studied at the University of Wisconsin as a cancer fighting agent by Dr. Michael Gould. Results show that it reversed breast cancer and reduced tumour growth by as much as 40% in laboratory animals. (Haag, J.D. and Gould, M.N. 1994. Mammary carcinoma regression induced by perillyl alcohol, a hydroxylated analog of limonene. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol. 34:477-483.)
HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE The anterior pituitary secretes two hormones that are very important for immune function: TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) and HGH (Human Growth Hormone). Deprivation of oxygen reduces the secretion of TSH and HGH by the anterior pituitary and increases depression. TSH and HGH play a joint role in modulating the immune function, which is very critical.
Lavender Oil Our lavender field in St. Mary's produces the greatest lavender oil in the world. Lavender oil contains phenols which contain oxygen molecules which increases the Human Growth Hormone outlets in the anterior pituitary. All you have to do is just breathe it. Very, very simple.
Peppermint oil contains phenols. All you have to do is breathe it to increase the secretion of Human Growth Hormone. Human Growth Hormone is produced by the anterior pituitary, is converted in the liver to IGF-l and then goes to the pancreas to support immune function. Peppermint oil also contains sesquiterpenes which increase oxygen activity in the brain. European research shows that sesquiterpenes increase brain oxygen by as much as 21 to 28%.
Lemon oil is anti-infectious and anti-bacterial and has Vitamin P-like action for circulation. It is calming to the nerves and stomach. It is good for diabetes because it helps regulate pancreatic function and insulin production. It is a great disinfectant and should be in the medicine cabinets in all hospitals. It can be used for respiratory infections, insufficient liver function and digestive conditions.
Thyme Oil is a mono-terpene and is very, very high in thymol which contains oxygen molecules that increase oxygen output in the brain. It's anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral and has a wide spectrum of action against fungus and virus. It's a uterine tonic and cardiotonic. Thymol can be used for sinus, osteoarthritis, bronchitis, cystitis, vaginitis, acne, cardiac fatigue, just simple little things.
Cloves have the highest known anti-oxidant properties.
Longevity oil I created this because of its anti-oxidant properties. People in countries that have great longevity eat foods high in anti-oxidants. This oil blend contains thyme, a powerful anti-oxidant which prevents degeneration in the brain, eyes and heart according to research in Scotland and Austria.
Longevity kit - This kit contains ingredients that are essential to supporting Human Growth Hormone output, conversion and assimilation, maintenance of proteins and the activity of enzymes in the body.
Wolfberry Juice is a natural anti-oxidant that has preserved the longevity of people in Inner Mongolia who today have maintained the most consistent life expectancy free of disease. The Natural Science Institute in Beijing, China began a study in 1982 and researchers who went there did not find cancer, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, MS, or any degenerative disease amongst the people in the villages where Wolfberry was consumed on a daily basis. Wolfberry contains 15% protein by weight and three times as much vitamin C as oranges.
Berry Young Juice One ounce is equivalent to 1/4 to 1/2 a pound of berries. When I went to Inner Mongolia to do my research, people who ate between one-quarter to one-half a pound of Wolfberries daily were disease free and had never experienced disease in eleven generations that we could research.
Ultra Young - is a spray for the bucal cavity with the Wolfberry Lycium Polysaccharide which stimulates the production of Human Growth Hormone.
CORTISOL gets rid of waste. The common factor that allows people to live to be 150 years old disease-free is cortisol and the foods that produce cortisol. But when you're under stress, the cortisol levels increase, and when cortisol is too high it blocks the HGH receptors and therefore depresses the immune function. Three cups of coffee a day will raise your cortisol levels to a high point for 18 hours and suppress your immune system during that time. Seven teaspoons of sugar will increase your cortisol levels by 300 to 400 times. The latest research in the U.S. shows that the average child consumes 40 tsp. of sugar per day. One can of soda pop contains seven to 12 tsp. sugar. Chocolate does the same thing in any form. One 30 mg. tablet of Prozac will double your cortisol levels. Vaccines increase cortisol. Phos-phatidylserine, a compound found in vitamin C in citrus and fruits high in vitamin C works as a natural cortisol blocker.
HOW TO USE THE OILS MOST EFFECTIVELY There are multiple ways. You can diffuse them in the air and inhale them. But the simplest and most effective way is to put one to two drops on the bottom of your feet. morning and night when you get out of bed, after your shower and before you go to bed. You don't need more than three drops of any one of those oils on the bottom of your feet. Peppermint oil can be diffused or you can rub a drop in your nose. Peppermint oil is fantastic for reducing fevers. Nothing that you can find in a pharmacy will break a fever quicker than peppermint oil. Peppermint oil has also been studied as a weight loss control mechanism. It smells good and it's yummy. Breathing peppermint will decrease the desire to eat, because it creates a sensation of being full.
DETOX The chemicals that we put into our bodies interfere with the conversion of cholesterol into hormones. Our research has shown that essential oils, particularly the phenol and thymol families, will literally digest the petrochemicals and clean up those receptor sites so that the hormone can fit into the receptor site and carry out its normal function. Thyme, mountain savory, oregano, lavender, peppermint and lemon oil are very high in phenols.
You may order Young Living Oils and Products by contacting Consumer Health at 416-490-0986.
K9 Kitchen by Monica Segal.
Is it time to give up that canned and dry pet food from the grocery stores? These commercial products usually contain "animal by-products" - another name for diseased meat not fit for human consumption and partly responsible for the rising incidence of cancer, arthritis and other diseases in our beloved pets. In this excellent book, Monica describes a variety of healthy diets to suit your pet's individual needs. She explores the benefits of feeding a raw food diet, raw bones, home-cooked meals, vitamins and minerals. A whole chapter of scrumptious recipes for cooked dinners, leftover dinners, raw meals and directions for starting a new diet will help you prepare nutritious meals for your pet.
Cancer Cover-Up: An Indictment of Big Medicine and their Suppression of the Cesium Cancer Therapy by Kathleen Deoul.
This book is written from the heart and is an important book for anyone who wants to know what is going on in our health system today and what we can do about it. An extensively documented book, it explains in shocking detail how medical powers have suppressed authentic and effective treatments for cancer and other diseases, like the Hoxey herbs, Burzinski's antineoplastons, krebiozen, hydrazine sulfate, laetrile, oxygen therapies, and Cesium treatments. A number of excellent chapters on vaccines provide essential information about the side-effects of vaccinations and the relationship of the MMR and DPT vaccines to autism and other autoimmune disorders.
In a week when news of the war eclipsed all other news, a small inconspicuous article reported a HUGE change in organic food laws. The article reports that in February, 2003, United States Congress voted to gut the nation's organic food standards, NO LONGER REQUIRING that organic livestock be given feed that is 100% organic.
How could this happen? It took one request by Tom Hensley, vice-president of Fieldale Farms, a large poultry grower in Georgia who found the all-vegetable diet to be "extremely burdensome for chicken producers". He complained that organic grain was too expensive.
The new law allows producers to give their animals conventional feed with antibiotics and pesticides and STILL LABEL THE MEAT ORGANIC.
President Bush signed the measure into law. No discussion, no debate, no consumer input, all for the sake of one large poultry grower wanting to take advantage of the higher prices he could charge for the "organic" label without actually providing anything organic.
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