Saturday, May 3, 2008

More kids fainting after shots, CDC reports, Sadly they think that's just fine!

Only the CDC would have the nerve to say that fainting after a vaccine is "not in itself dangerous" Do these morons think we are that stupid?


More kids fainting after shots, CDC reports

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An unprecedented number of U.S. youngsters are fainting after getting shots, especially teenage girls, and doctors need to keep an eye on them, federal health experts cautioned on Thursday.

At least 463 people fainted after getting vaccinated during an 18-month period from 2005 to 2007, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported.

Such fainting is not uncommon and not in itself dangerous -- but some of the patients hit their heads on the floor and at least one had a car accident, the CDC said in its weekly report on death and disease.

One 15-year-old boy died after hitting his head.

More cases may have been reported lately because of new vaccines -- notably against meningitis and the HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer -- now recommended for adolescents and older children.

Very young children and babies get a battery of vaccinations in the United States, but vaccinations of older children and teens were not as routine until recent years.

"A girl aged 13 years fainted within 10 minutes of receiving HPV and MCV4 (meningitis) vaccinations," the CDC report reads.

"She fell backward and hit her head on the carpeted floor of the clinic." She fractured her skull and had bleeding on the brain but recovered.

"Providers should strongly consider observing patients for 15 minutes after they are vaccinated," the CDC recommended.

(Reporting by Maggie Fox; Editing by Will Dunham and Eric Walsh)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Measles in U.S. at Highest Level Since 2001

36 out of 64 were not vaccinated--a little over half. 14 vax status unknown, one had proof of vaccination. What about the other 13? How is 36 "most?

Also, anyone reading this free to point me in the direction of the measles because the CDC is really playing up the scare tactics on this one. As most people know I am a film maker with a long life ahead of me and if I thought for one second they would be as bad as the CDC is trying to say I would not be so willing to catch them as part of my anti vaccine documentary now would I?


May 2, 2008
Measles in U.S. at Highest Level Since 2001

Measles outbreaks in at least seven states are expected to produce more cases in 2008 than in any other recent year, federal health officials said Thursday, warning that measles is highly contagious and can cause severe illness and even death.

Most of the cases have occurred in people who were never vaccinated.

There were 64 cases from January through April 25, more than in all of 2006 and the highest number during that four-month period since 2001. None have yet proved fatal, but officials said they expected the total to keep rising.

"We haven't seen the end of this," said Dr. Anne Schuchat, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Fourteen patients, or 22 percent, have been hospitalized, mostly for pneumonia.

The largest outbreak, 22 cases, is under way in New York City, mainly in the Borough Park section of Brooklyn, where it was most likely introduced by travelers from other countries, including Israel and Belgium.

"There may be more cases," said Dr. Jane R. Zucker, assistant commissioner for the Bureau of Immunization in the city's Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Dr. Zucker said the New York outbreak was still being investigated.

As in New York, the other outbreaks are occurring because travelers bring the measles virus in from other countries — worldwide there are 20 million cases a year — and spread it to unvaccinated people. The unvaccinated include babies under a year old, who are too young to receive the vaccine, and children and young adults from families who refuse vaccination for personal or religious reasons.

The disease can then keep spreading. Dr. Schuchat said doctors were finding clusters with as many as five generations of transmission. She said many of today's parents, doctors and nurses were unfamiliar with measles and not on the lookout for it.

In 17 cases, patients were infected in clinics and doctors' offices, including a year-old baby who contracted the disease in a pediatrician's office during a routine visit — for a measles shot.

Health officials are warning doctors and nurses to take special precautions to avoid spreading the disease in clinics. Children with fevers and rashes should not sit in waiting rooms, and other children should not be brought into an examining room that a child suspected of having measles has just left, because the virus can linger and remain infectious for about two hours.

In the current outbreak, 13 patients were under a year old and therefore too young to have been vaccinated, and 7 others were 12 to 15 months old, with parents who had not yet taken them for their first vaccination, which is due at 1 year. Sixteen others, who were older, came from families that refused vaccination. Fourteen more had what officials described as "unknown or undocumented vaccination status." Only one person had proof of having received the standard two doses of measles vaccine.

In one family in Washington State, eight siblings came down with measles, and three of them had signs of pneumonia, a serious complication. These cases were reported after April 25 and so are in addition to the 64 described by the disease centers on Thursday.

The eight siblings are believed to have contracted measles at a religious conference attended by about 2,000 people from 5 countries and 19 states. None of the eight had been vaccinated. Forty-eight states allow exemptions from vaccine requirements for religious reasons, and 21 for personal beliefs, the C.D.C. said.

Growing numbers of parents in the United States and other countries have begun refusing to vaccinate their children because of unproven fears that vaccines cause autism or other illnesses. Health officials blame the trend for the resurgence of measles in many regions. Israel, Switzerland, Austria, Ireland and Britain have had large outbreaks recently, linked to pockets of people who shun vaccination.

Given the outbreaks overseas, travelers need to be immunized, Dr. Schuchat emphasized, acknowledging that many people do not think of Europe or Israel as places where they have to worry about catching infectious diseases. Babies who are going to be taken on trips can be given a measles shot at 6 months instead of 1 year, officials said.

People who have not been immunized and have been exposed to measles can often be protected with a vaccination or treatment with immune globulin, but the treatment must be given soon after the exposure. Health departments are supposed to track all the contacts of infected people and advise them about what to do, officials said.

Counting the Washington occurrence, 10 states have measles cases, though only seven have three or more, the disease centers' definition of an outbreak. Besides New York City, the highest numbers are in Pima County in southern Arizona, with 15, and San Diego, with 11. The San Diego and Arizona cases have been traced to travelers from Switzerland. Cases in other states have come from Italy, India and probably China.

The remaining states with cases are Hawaii, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Virginia.

"I think it's important for states who aren't on that list to have their alerts up," Dr. Schuchat said. "We know there are unimmunized people out there, and measles is extremely infectious. Not being on the list shouldn't be reassuring."

Before 1963, when the vaccine became available in this country, there were three million to four million cases of measles annually. The disease killed 400 to 500 children a year and put 48,000 in the hospital.

The vaccine wiped out transmission here by 2000, but the disease can easily be imported because there are so many cases overseas. Worldwide, measles still kills 242,000 children a year.

A report on the outbreaks is online at
Just another example of how Merck and other manifestations of big pharma are poisoning / contaminating humanity. What sickens me is there are people who would still vaccinate after reading this!


FDA warns Merck to fix vaccine plant problems

By LINDA A. JOHNSON – 1 day ago

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — The Food and Drug Administration has ordered Merck & Co. to correct numerous manufacturing deficiencies at its main vaccine plant, the latest in a string of setbacks for the drugmaker.

The agency on Wednesday released a warning letter sent to Merck's chief executive, Richard T. Clark, that states FDA inspectors determined manufacturing rules are not being followed at the plant in West Point, Pa., just outside Philadelphia.

The plant, which recalled two vaccines in December over sterility problems, makes a number of children's vaccines and four for adults.

The nine-page letter states FDA found "significant objectionable conditions" in the manufacture of vaccines and drug ingredients during repeated inspections from Nov. 26 to Jan. 17.

In a separate posting on its Web site, the agency said it issued the warning letter because Merck's response to the FDA report sent after the inspections was "inadequate to address the serious deviations noted."

According to the heavily redacted warning letter, Merck officials didn't thoroughly investigate when vaccine batches inexplicably failed to meet specifications, even if batches had been distributed, and some combination measles-mumps-rubella shots that failed "visual inspection for critical defects" were distributed anyway.

The letter also said the plant didn't have written procedures, tests or other laboratory controls to ensure "identity, strength, quality, and purity" of products.

However, in the Web site posting, the FDA said it "does not believe that the issues identified will affect the safety of the vaccines" made at West Point, or their availability.

"We're committed to working with the FDA to ensure that all these issues are addressed to their full satisfaction," said Merck spokeswoman Amy Rose, who added that the company does not distribute contaminated products.

"We are confident in the quality, effectiveness and safety of our medicines and vaccines," she said.

Rose said Merck would be submitting additional information to the FDA and discussing it in a meeting, which is requested in the warning letter. The letter was signed by David K. Elder, head of enforcement in the agency's Office of Regulatory Affairs.

Merck shares, hammered by FDA rejecting two of its experimental drugs since Friday, initially dropped about $1 on the news, then recovered. They ended Wednesday up 90 cents, or 2.4 percent, to $38.04.

The warning letter gives Merck 15 days to tell the FDA how it will correct the violations. If Merck does not comply, the letter states the FDA can take actions including suspending or revoking the plant's manufacturing license, seizing products or seeking injunctions, such as against product shipments.

"Warning letters help achieve voluntary compliance," FDA spokeswoman Mary Long said in an e-mail response to questions from The Associated Press. "Further action can be taken in the event violations remain uncorrected and would depend on the details of a given situation."

Production of two vaccines made at West Point — PedvaxHIB, to prevent Haemophilus influenza type B, and Comvax, a combination vaccine for Haemophilus B and hepatitis B — stopped last year and 1.2 million doses of them were recalled after a sterility problem was discovered in October.

The plant also makes ProQuad, which protects children against measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox; hepatitis A, hepatitis B and meningitis vaccines for children and adults; and Gardasil, to protect young women against cervical cancer.
On the Net:

* FDA letter:
* FDA Q&A posting:


How dare ABC run a pro vaccine story and label it "Protecting Your Child From Improper Vaccination" This shows a true lack of ethics :( Improper vaccination would be a story on those poor kids who died in India from the MMR vaccine, not this one sided garbage.


ABC News
Protecting Your Child From Improper Vaccination
Government Study Finds 1 in 4 Children Are Improperly Vaccinated

April 29, 2008—

Vaccinations are a childhood ritual and provide vital protection against diseases like measles, mumps, rubella and polio, which can be extremely dangerous for young children. But a report, issued today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, found an alarming 28 percent of toddlers have not been vaccinated according to U.S. guidelines.

Elizabeth Luman of the CDC said, "It's not acceptable to have any child improperly or incompletely vaccinated, because that increases their risk of disease and also increases the risk of outbreaks in the community."

RECOMMENDED TIMES FOR YOUR CHILD'S VACCINES: Input your child's age, and this interactive vaccine scheduler will give you a list of recommended dates for all your child's vaccinations.

Earlier this year, measles outbreaks were reported in San Diego, Arizona and Wisconsin. Health officials said the problem was caused by people who had never been vaccinated, usually out of fear of vaccines. But this government survey is surprising because it affects children whose parents actually intended to have them vaccinated and believed that they had been fully vaccinated.

Government guidelines call for toddlers to get a series of at least 17 injections, protecting them against 15 different diseases. But the survey found that one in five children was actually missing one or more doses.

Do you know which vaccinations your child is missing? CLICK HERE for a step-by-step guide to obtaining and understanding your child's immunization records.

And according to Dr. Lara Danziger-Isakov of the Cleveland Clinic, "Missing even a single dose may impair your immunity."

But mis-timing vaccination doses is also a problem. The government has an exact schedule for when each shot needs to be given. But the study found that one in twelve children got at least one vaccination too early in life.

"If you give them the vaccine at the wrong time, their immune system may not be developed enough to respond to that vaccine, and they may not develop immunity," Danziger-Isakov said.

Want to learn more about childhood vaccines? CLICK HERE for a backgrounder.

Pediatricians say giving vaccines earlier than recommended is often done out of convenience.

Some researchers said today's report should serve as a wake-up call to parents and pediatricians because much more needs to be done to ensure children get the full benefits and protection of these lifesaving vaccines.

Did you know an immunization registry can keep track of your child's records? CLICK HERE for more information.

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