Thursday, August 30, 2007

Thanks to the vaccine people are trading chickenpox for shingles

Thanks to the vaccine people are trading chickenpox for shingles

" Goldman also reports that shortly after communicating on authorship issues with health officials associated with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) concerning the shingles data and analysis, he was threatened with legal action if he published the manuscript in the medical literature. He said, "Whenever research data and information concerning potential adverse effects associated with a vaccine used in a human population are suppressed and/or misrepresented by health authorities, not only is this most disturbing, it goes against all accepted scientific norms and dangerously compromises professional ethics.""

ATA REVEALS THREAT OF SHINGLES EPIDEMIC FROM VACCINE USE Health Officials Threaten Legal Action Against Researcher
Three different analyses of reported cases of shingles and chickenpox
were published today in the October 2003 issue of Vaccine and suggest the
threat of a shingles epidemic in the US due to mass vaccination with
varicella (chickenpox) vaccine.

Contact: Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D.
Phone: 661-944-5661
Fax: 661-944-4483


Health Officials Threaten Legal Action Against Researcher

Pearblossom, California (PRWEB) October 1 2003-- Three different analyses
of reported cases of shingles and chickenpox were published today in the
October 2003 issue of Vaccine and suggest the threat of a shingles epidemic
in the US due to mass vaccination with varicella (chickenpox) vaccine. Data
collected under the CDC-funded Varicella Active Surveillance Project (VASP)
of the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services Acute Communicable
Disease Control Unit revealed that when chickenpox disease was
significantly reduced in a population, there was an unexpectedly high
number of shingles cases among unvaccinated children with a previous
history of chickenpox. Shingles is usually mild in children and can be
severe in adults. Complications from shingles, which is caused by the
reactivation of the chickenpox virus that lies dormant in the body, result
in about three times the number of hospitalizations and five times the
number of deaths as those from chickenpox disease.

The analyses were authored by Gary Goldman, Ph.D., a former research
analyst with the VASP, using capture-recapture methods. Goldman worked from
1995 through late 2002 at one of three projects in the nation assigned to
actively study the effects of chickenpox vaccine and received reports from
three hundred different public and private schools, day cares, and
healthcare facilities. He observed that because the vaccine is eliminating
chickenpox disease, children and adults no longer receive the natural boost
to their immune systems that they received from periodic exposures to the
disease. Due to the dramatic decline in chickenpox, children are now
experiencing a higher incidence of shingles and Goldman predicts that a
large scale increase in shingles incidence will soon become manifest among
adults-a group more susceptible to serious complications.

Vaccine manufacturers plan to license a booster "shingles" vaccine to
substitute for the boosting that naturally occurred when chickenpox disease
was previously circulating in the population. "This will likely lead to
endless disease-and-cure cycles," says Goldman. "Varicella vaccination
would have been less problematic if all children had the opportunity to
gain natural immunity and only those still susceptible at twelve years old
were vaccinated."

Goldman also reports that shortly after communicating on authorship
issues with health officials associated with the Centers for Disease
Control (CDC) concerning the shingles data and analysis, he was threatened
with legal action if he published the manuscript in the medical literature.
He said, "Whenever research data and information concerning potential
adverse effects associated with a vaccine used in a human population are
suppressed and/or misrepresented by health authorities, not only is this
most disturbing, it goes against all accepted scientific norms and
dangerously compromises professional ethics."

Between 1995 and 2000, shingles was not being studied, and positive
aspects of vaccination contributed by Goldman were published in the Journal
of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and other medical journals. In
2000, after hearing reports that school nurses were seeing cases of
shingles in children for the first time, Goldman suggested shingles be
added to the active surveillance project. After two years of shingles data
collection, Goldman documented the adverse effects that might well be
associated with the universal varicella vaccination program. Currently,
varicella immunization is mandated in thirty-eight states.

The European journal, Vaccine (Volume 21, Issue 27/28) has devoted
eighteen pages to Goldman's three reports. -end-


HEALTHY CHILDREN: Reduction in chickenpox may increase incidence of
The results of a new study published in the October 1, 2003 issue of the
European journal Vaccine indicate that a higher than expected number of
shingles cases was reported among children with a previous history of
chickenpox-approaching the incidence rate normally seen only in older
adults. Results of the study suggest mass vaccination with varicella
(chickenpox) vaccine may be responsible for this adverse effect.

PEARBLOSSOM, Calif. (PRWEB)October 8, 2003--- The results of a new study
published in the October 1, 2003, issue of the European journal Vaccine
indicate that a higher than expected number of shingles cases was reported
among children with a previous history of chickenpox. The rates observed
approach those normally seen only in older adults. Results of the study
suggest mass vaccination with varicella (chickenpox) vaccine may be
responsible for this adverse effect. Complications from shingles, which is
caused by the reactivation of the chickenpox virus that lies dormant in the
body, result in about three times the number of hospitalizations and five
times the number of deaths as those from chickenpox disease itself.
Shingles, usually mild in children, can be severe in adults.

On March 17, 1995, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the
live varicella vaccine, and shortly thereafter 38 states mandated that
every infant be inoculated at twelve months of age. The CDC-funded
Varicella Active Surveillance Project (VASP) of the Los Angeles County
Department of Health Services was established to study trends in varicella
disease among the 300,000 residents in the Antelope Valley health district.
Because this high desert community, including the primary cities of
Lancaster and Palmdale, is geographically distinct with few individuals
seeking healthcare outside the region, it is nearly ideal for scientists to
detect preliminary disease trends.

"Because the vaccine is eliminating chickenpox disease, children and adults
no longer receive the natural boost to their immune systems that they
received from periodic exposures to the disease," says Gary S. Goldman,
Ph.D., author of the study and former research analyst with VASP. "Due to
the dramatic decline in chickenpox, children are now experiencing a higher
incidence of shingles."

To compensate for this, vaccine manufacturers plan to license a booster
"shingles" vaccine to substitute for the natural boost in immunity that
occurred when chickenpox disease was previously circulating in the
population. Goldman expresses doubts about the effectiveness of this
approach to the impending problem.

"This will likely lead to endless disease-and-cure cycles," says Goldman.
"Varicella vaccination would have been less problematic if all children had
the opportunity to gain natural immunity and only those still susceptible
at twelve years-of-age were vaccinated."

Previous research shows that Japanese pediatricians who were exposed to
patients with chickenpox demonstrated shingles incidence rates one-half to
one-eighth that of the general population. In 2002, researchers in England
and Wales also found a lower incidence of shingles among adults living with
children compared to those living without children.
According to a spokesperson from the FDA, "There is no legal precedent
requiring a vaccine manufacturer to perform studies on individuals who have
not received their product."

However, Goldman insists that, "To assess the safety of chickenpox vaccine,
continued study of the effect of widespread vaccination on increasing
shingles incidence is critical." Goldman hopes this study encourages other
investigators to examine shingles rates not only among vaccine recipients,
but also among those who have not received vaccine.

Dr. Goldman concludes, "If a clear vaccine-associated increase in shingles
is confirmed in further studies in broader populations, this should be
considered by public health authorities in evaluating vaccine use strategies."

For more information on the current study, see the three reports published
on 18 consecutive pages in Vaccine (Volume 21, Issue 27/28) or contact Gary
S. Goldman, Ph.D., at (661) 944-5661 or via e-mail at

About Gary S. Goldman, Ph.D.:
From 1995 to 2000, shingles was not studied, and positive aspects of
vaccination contributed by Dr. Goldman were published in the Journal of the
American Medical Association (JAMA) and other medical journals. In 2000,
after hearing reports of school nurses observing cases of shingles in
children for the first time, Goldman suggested shingles be added to the
active surveillance project. After two years of shingles data collection,
Goldman documented the adverse effects that might well be associated with
the universal varicella vaccination program.


Vaccine. 2003 Oct 1;21(27-30):4238-42. Related Articles, Links

Varicella susceptibility and incidence of herpes zoster among children and
adolescents in a community under active surveillance.

Goldman GS.

P.O. Box 847, Pearblossom, CA 93553, USA.

Licensure of varicella vaccine by the US Food and Drug Administration in
March 1995 has given rise to concerns that include a potential shift in
varicella incidence to susceptible adults and increase in herpes zoster
(HZ) incidence. Baseline values prior to widespread vaccination were
obtained through distribution of an adolescent survey to all 13 public
middle (seventh and eighth grade) schools in the Antelope Valley, CA health
district. Based on 4216 respondents aged 10-14 years, varicella
susceptibility is 7.7% (95% CI, 6.9-8.5%) and true cumulative (1987-2000)
HZ incidence rate is 133 per 100,000 person-years (95% CI, 95-182 per
100,000 person-years).

PMID: 14505904 [PubMed - in process]


Vaccine. 2003 Oct 1;21(27-30):4243-9. Related Articles, Links

Incidence of herpes zoster among children and adolescents in a community
with moderate varicella vaccination coverage.

Goldman GS.

P.O. Box 847, Pearblossom, CA 93553, USA.

Active surveillance for herpes zoster (HZ) was conducted for 2 years
(2000-2001) in the Antelope Valley community of 312,000 residents among 290
public and private schools, daycares, and healthcare providers. The true
ascertainment-adjusted HZ incidence rate is 307 per 100,000 person-years
and 138 per 100,000 person-years among children <10 and individuals aged
10-19, respectively. The unadjusted rate among vaccinated children is 9.5
per 100,000 person-years and an estimated 22 per 100,000 vaccine doses.
Unvaccinated children with a previous history of varicella may have greater
sensitivity to exogenous exposures (boosting) and a poorer cell-mediated
response following primary infection relative to older age groups.

PMID: 14505905 [PubMed - in process]


Vaccine. 2003 Oct 1;21(27-30):4250-5. Related Articles, Links

Using capture-recapture methods to assess varicella incidence in a
community under active surveillance.

Goldman GS.

P.O. Box 847, Pearblossom, CA 93553, USA.

The Varicella (chickenpox) Active Surveillance Project (VASP) has been
conducting active surveillance since 1 January 1995 in the high desert
community known as Antelope Valley, CA (population 300,000) among 300
public and private schools, daycares, and healthcare providers.
Capture-recapture methods were applied to estimate reporting completeness
for 1995 varicella incidence data and these were compared with the national
average incidence rates by age reported by the National Health Interview
Survey (NHIS). Varicella cases reported among individuals aged <20 years
reflect under-reporting in excess of 50%. Despite limitations on accuracy,
capture-recapture estimates are a reasonably accurate, quick, and
inexpensive approach in epidemiologic studies.

PMID: 14505906 [PubMed - in process]

HPV Vaccine for Boys?

HPV Vax for boys?

The headline for this story is not a typo. The push to sell more vaccines and pharmaceuticals has now reached a level of absurdity that should astonish any intelligent person. The mainstream media is now reporting -- and I'm not kidding -- that young boys should be vaccinated with Gardasil (the drug now being pushed onto teenage girls to supposedly prevent cervical cancer) based on the idea that if they have oral sex with girls who carry HPV, they might get throat cancer!

This is an incredible stretch of scientific credibility, and it's such a preposterous marketing campaign that only Big Pharma could have come up with it. It's obviously nothing more than a massive scare campaign to try to dream up some way to market this high-profit vaccine to a whole new group of customers who don't need it: teenage boys!

Even the idea of mandatory vaccinations for teenage girls is little more than desperate disease mongering designed to sell vaccines. Carrying HPV doesn't automatically lead to cervical cancer any more than carrying chicken pox turns you into a walking biological weapon. Most people who carry the virus show no symptoms at all, and girls with healthy immune systems and healthy lifestyles (diet, nutrition, etc.) have a near-zero risk of ever developing cervical cancer, even if they're exposed to HPV on a repeated basis. The virus isn't the disease: It's the terrain of the person carrying the virus! If they're unhealthy and vulnerable, then of course they're not going to be able to keep the virus in check.

We don't live in a sterile world, after all. There are more bacteria cells in your body right now than human cells, and we're surrounded by viruses, fungi and other germs. The whole idea of vaccinating against one particular strain that might someday, possibly, perhaps cause a problem if you have sex is just medical nonsense.

But vaccinating young boys is an even dumber idea. It's so stupid that I can't find the words to even describe how low on the IQ chart these drug marketing "experts" must be to come up with this one. They must think the public is so gullible that they can just make up any sex-related story and use it to sell drugs. Next, we'll be hearing about young boys giving themselves HPV through masturbation! And the cries for vaccinating all young boys will be something along the lines of, "If you masturbate, VACCINATE!"

Sadly, most consumers are so ignorant about reproductive health and germs in general that they'd probably buy into it. And if that campaign is successful, they'll go for the ultimate stupid scare tactic: The Doorknob Campaign (keep reading, if you dare...).

Warning: Doorknobs can give you cancer
Here's how this campaign works. (Warning: This contains some graphic language, but it's the only way I can accurately describe just how stupid these vaccination scare tactics have become. If you're offended by certain words, you probably shouldn't be reading anything on this website in the first place...) To pull this off, the drug companies start floating scare stories about how anyone can get cancer by touching doorknobs. How? Because you never know when some HPV carrying person might have touched a doorknob after touching themselves. Therefore, doorknobs can give you sexually transmitted diseases, and if you happen to touch yourself after touching the doorknob, then -- watch out! -- suddenly you're going to die from cervical cancer, throat cancer, crotch cancer or whatever other fear mongering diseases they can dream up. Doorknobs are dangerous, didn't you know?

The only way to protect yourself from these germified doorknobs is to get a vaccine. And since doorknobs are everywhere, everybody should get the vaccine! This includes children, teens, adults and senior citizens. It's a brilliant way to sell hundreds of millions of doses of a dangerous injected substance that nobody actually needs, and it's all made possible by the doorknob scare campaign! (And if doorknobs aren't convincing enough, they can start scare stories about public toilet seats instead.)

Drug companies have turned the United States into a nation of hypochondriacs
If they can convince parents that their male children need to be vaccinated against a virus linked to cervical cancer, I suppose they can sell just about anything to anyone. What's next? Are they going to demand that all girls be vaccinated against prostate cancer just in case they engage in oral sex with men who have enlarged prostate glands? Yes, this sounds stupid. It IS stupid. And yet it's not too stupid to be embraced by Big Pharma.

Remember, Big Pharma is the same industry that has essentially declared womanhood to be a disease. They have a pill that stops all menstruation -- for life, and the marketing materials imply that a woman having a monthly period is some sort of disorder that needs to be halted to live a normal, happy life. It won't be long before they've got women scared half to death about simply being a woman! (Notice, too, that conventional medicine is dominated by males who all too easily declare various female experiences to be "diseases" or "disorders.")

Big Pharma's primary weapon in promoting these silly scare stories is the mainstream media. All they have to do is start floating stories about how dangerous oral sex can be, and then once everybody is scared half to death of oral sex, they can float the "solution" as yet another vaccine.

Inventing the problem, then marketing the "solution"
Did you ever notice how the press never even talked about Restless Legs Syndrome until the drug companies had a new pharmaceutical for sale that claimed to treat the condition? The press sets up the fear campaigns for one fictitious disease after another, and then Big Pharma just happens to introduce a new high-profit chemical that treats the disease. In this latest example, the press has been floating stories about the dangers of oral sex for several days, and then -- whammo! -- a story magically appears about vaccinating young boys to protect them from the dangers of oral sex.

You have to understand that almost nothing appears in the mainstream media without an agenda. The news isn't news, it's a way of shaping public perception in order to market something: War, drugs, products, paradigms, etc. The U.S. press is a vehicle of shaping the belief systems of the public. It invents and promotes cultural fears, beliefs and perceptions. It has nothing whatsoever to do with bringing people useful news and information. Instead, it is almost entirely focused on getting people to believe what the folks in charge want them to believe.

The current news about the housing bubble, for example, is all designed to delay the coming collapse of both the global real estate market and the U.S. stock market (not to mention the U.S. dollar). By shaping public perception and telling people it's only a temporary downturn in the market, they can convince enough people that we should all keep on paying sky-high prices for houses and thereby delay the inevitable real estate market collapse for a little longer.

Similarly, virtually every story you read about health is designed to shape your beliefs about nutrition, pharmaceuticals, health care and the (false) causes of diseases. Stories about the genetic causes of disease, for example, are designed to strip away your power and get you to believe that you have no control over your own health. Stories about the dangers of nutritional supplements are designed to convince you to fear nutrition and trust only in pharmaceuticals. Stories about oral sex, as we've seen here, are designed to rally the nation into a state of irrational fear out of which they will react by calling for mandatory vaccinations of teenage boys.

David Icke describes this as "Problem - Reaction - Solution." First, they set up the fictitious problem and scare everybody, then they wait for the public reaction (which is quite predictable and actually planned out from the beginning). Finally, they introduce the "solution" which is war, or martial law, or forced vaccinations or whatever was on their agenda in the first place. It's the way all power brokers have ever managed to get things done in a society that pretends to be free. If you want to sell useless pharmaceuticals to hundreds of millions of people who don't need them, you can't just march in and force people to buy them. That would never fly. Instead, you have to convince the people to demand the vaccinations themselves! And you do that by propagandizing scare stories like this one on the dangers of oral sex. If you scare the people enough, they'll demand that you take action, and then your "solution" looks like you're just responding to the needs of the people.

Modern medicine is a hoax. It mostly comes down to brainwashing doctors, playing mind games with the public and controlling the media. Disease mongering is rampant, and drug companies are now resorting to the most absurd, ridiculous leaps of the imagination to try to convince people they need more vaccines and medications. Just five years ago, the idea that teenage boys needed to be vaccinated against a cervical cancer virus would have been considered lunacy, but today, the Big Pharma propaganda machine is pushing it with a straight facing, hoping that within a year or two, the population will be so utterly frightened over oral sex viruses that every sexually active person in the country will line up and fork over cash for their "sex vaccines."

And it is in this way that Big Pharma has now managed to turn oral sex into a disease requiring chemical treatment. Regardless of whether there's any actual sex taking place, there's one thing for certain: Consumers are getting royally screwed.

About the author: Mike Adams is a holistic nutritionist with a passion for sharing empowering information to help improve personal and planetary health He is a prolific writer and has published thousands of articles, interviews, reports and consumer guides, reaching millions of readers with information that is saving lives and improving personal health around the world. Adams is a trusted, independent journalist who receives no money or promotional fees whatsoever to write about other companies' products. In 2007, Adams launched EcoLEDs, a maker of super bright LED light bulbs that are 1000% more energy efficient than incandescent lights. He also founded an environmentally-friendly online retailer called that uses retail profits to help support consumer advocacy programs. He's also the CEO of a highly successful email newsletter software company that develops software used to send permission email campaigns to subscribers. Adams also serves as the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a non-profit consumer protection group, and pursues hobbies such as Pilates, Capoeira, nature macrophotography and organic gardening. Known as the 'Health Ranger,' Adams' personal health statistics and mission statements are located at

MMR Scare Tactics

LONDON - The number of cases of measles in Britain is increasing, health authorities said Thursday, as they urged parents to have their children vaccinated against the disease.
Click here to find out more!

According to the Health Protection Agency, there have been 480 confirmed cases of measles in the United Kingdom so far this year.

That compares with a provisional total of 756 cases last year, the highest number recorded since current monitoring began in 1995. "The number of cases is increasing at a higher rate than usual for this time of year," the Health Protection Agency said.

The increase over recent years sets Britain apart from other developed countries, and there have even been cases where the disease has spread from Britain to other countries.

Last year, three cases in the United States were linked to Britain — more than most other countries, including Kenya, Ethiopia and Uganda, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Vaccination rates using the measles, mumps and rubella shot dropped sharply after claims made in 1998 that the vaccine was linked to autism — claims that all credible medical evidence has refuted.

Measles is one of the most infectious diseases, and unless approximately 95 percent of a population is vaccinated, outbreaks are likely. The disease can easily spread across borders. In recent years, Britain's vaccination rate has hovered around 85 percent.

"Over the summer holidays, we have seen more cases of measles being reported than we would normally expect," said Dr. Mary Ramsay, a consultant epidemiologist with the Health Protection Agency.

"Now is the time parents will be buying their children a new school uniform to prepare for the school year ahead, but being prepared to avoid infection is even more important," Ramsay said. Parents should think about adding the MMR vaccine to their back to school to-do list."