Tuesday, February 3, 2015

THANKS SALLIE / MEASLES: Vaccination vs. Natural Immunity ~ Christopher Wyatt & Sallie Elkordy

Tonight I had the great pleasure of being on Sallie Elkordy's Blog talk show :-)  For those who don't know Sallie Elkordy YOU SHOULD!!!!!! Sally is one of the bravest people I know because she takes her personal time to educate others not just online BUT in real life as well! R-E-S-P-E-C-T!!!!!!!!!

Here is a link to the interview about the MEASLES and about the documentary I am doing. All of us owe Sally for her hard work!

MEASLES: Vaccination vs. Natural Immunity ~ Christopher Wyatt & Sallie Elkordy



Monday, February 2, 2015


All of the measles hysteria and the push to paint non vaxers as being insane is wearing incredibly thin!!!!! FIRST OFF IT IS JUST THE MEASLES!!!!!!!!!!!  I saw this news story and you would think they were talking about the zombie apocalypse. OMG!!!!!! Her son got head to toe spots, she had to use critical thinking skills and take care of him....


The next thing I need to mention again is that measles used to not be a big deal and was the subject of old TV shows and children's books.




I have to thank Daphne Ball for sending me this on facebook. I feel sick thinking about just how far they will go to destroy and reshape humanity in to the perverse vision they have. Please repost this online, print it out, and educate those around you!!!!!!!

(NaturalNews) Tetanus vaccines given to millions of young women in Kenya have been confirmed by laboratories to contain a sterilization chemical that causes miscarriages, reports the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, a pro-vaccine organization.

A whopping 2.3 million young girls and women are in the process of being given the vaccine, pushed by UNICEF and the World Health Organization.
"We sent six samples from around Kenya to laboratories in South Africa. They tested positive for the HCG antigen," Dr. Muhame Ngare of the Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi told LifeSiteNews. "They were all laced with HCG."

Chemical causes a woman's body to destroy its own fetus with vaccine-induced antibodies

HCG is a chemical developed by the World Health Organization for sterilization purposes. When injected into the body of a young woman, it causes a pregnancy to be destroyed by the body's own antibody response to the HCG, resulting in a spontaneous abortion. Its effectiveness lasts for years, causing abortions in women up to three years after the injections.
Dr. Ngare explained "...this WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise using a proven fertility regulating vaccine."
The Kenyan government, of course, insists the vaccine is perfectly safe. Dr. Tabu of Kenya's Health Ministry even told the media that because some young women are still having babies, the vaccine therefore must not contain any sterilization agent. However, this claim belies the fact that HCG doesn't work 100% of the time. It only sterilizes the majority of those injected with it, not all of them.
More importantly, the Kenyan Catholic Church is a pro-vaccine organization. "What reason do the Catholic doctors have for lying?" asked Dr. Ngare as reported in the LifeSiteNews article linked above. "The Catholic Church has been here in Kenya providing health care and vaccinating for 100 years for longer than Kenya has existed as a country."
In other words, the very group exposing the sterilization agenda of the tetanus vaccines is in fact a pro-vaccination group. Yet even they have now come to realize the horrifying truth: vaccines are the perfect vector for governments to deviously insert covert chemical or viral agents which are never revealed to the public.

The smoking gun: a five-shot course over two years

What really raised red flags about this so-called tetanus vaccine was the highly unusual inoculation schedule. This vaccine demanded five shots over two years -- a schedule that isn't used for tetanus.
"The only time tetanus vaccine has been given in five doses is when it is used as a carrier in fertility regulating vaccines laced with the pregnancy hormone, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) developed by WHO in 1992." explained Dr. Ngare.
Furthermore, the vaccine was only being given to women of child-bearing years, not men or women beyond the age of fertility.
As Dr. Ngare explains, the same vaccine sterilization campaign was used in 1993 in Mexico and both Nicaragua and the Philippines in 1994. WHO attempted to bring it to Kenya in the 1990's, Ngare says, but the effort was stopped by the Catholic Church.
According to Brian Clowes of Human Life International, the United Nations is not refuting the laboratory testing and confirmation of HCG in the vaccines. Instead, it claims some vaccines were "contaminated" in the manufacturing process -- an absurd claim that no reasonable person would believe because HCG should never even be anywhere near a vaccine manufacturing operation unless someone put it there deliberately.
LifeSiteNews reports that it:
has obtained a UN report on an August 1992 meeting at its world headquarters in Geneva of 10 scientists from "Australia, Europe, India and the U.S.A" and 10 "women's health advocates" from around the world, to discuss the use of "fertility regulating vaccines." It describes the "anti-Human Chorionic Gonadotropin vaccine" as the most advanced.
Read the full report from LifeSiteNews at:

United Nations, WHO and UNICEF all engaged in vaccination genocide

You will not see this news reported by any mainstream media outlet in the United States. All truth about vaccines is censored, even if the truth is that the United Nations is deliberately engaged in a campaign of vaccine genocide against people of Africa.
What is happening in Kenya is a crime against humanity, and it is a crime committed with deliberate racial discrimination. Normally, the liberal media in the United States would be all over a story involving racial discrimination and genocide -- or even a single police shooting of a black teenager -- but because this genocide is being committed with vaccines, the entire mainstream media excuses it. Apparently, medical crimes against black people are perfectly acceptable to the liberal media as long as vaccines are used as the weapon.
As this story clearly demonstrates, "vaccine violence" is very real in our world. Vaccines are the perfect weapon for population control for several reasons:
1) Nobody really knows what's in them.
2) They can be easily spiked with hidden chemicals.
3) They can be administered under the cover of "public health."
4) All governments and establishment media will deliberately collaborate with the genocide in order to protect vaccines from being recognized as medical weapons against women.
Thus, vaccines can be routinely used to inject populations with birth control chemicals or even stealth cancer viruses. In fact, this is exactly what happened to as many as 98 million Americans during the mass polio vaccinations of the 1960's and 70's. The CDC even documented the "accidental" injection of millions of Americans with the cancer-causing SV40 simian virus, but the agency scrubbed all that history from its website in 2013.
In Kenya today, government authorities also claim the sterilization chemical was an "accidental" contamination. That's the excuse that can always be used as a cover story in weaponized vaccination schemes, where governments deliberately taint vaccines with known chemicals that end life, promote cancer or cause spontaneous abortions.

Vaccines as weapons = Medical crimes against humanity

The deliberate adding of HCG to vaccines without full disclosure to the population is a heinous violation of human rights and human dignity. Here are just a few of the crimes now being committed against humanity under the guise of vaccinations:
CRIME #1) No informed consent. None of these women in Kenya were told the truth that they were being injected with a sterilization chemical designed to cause infertility.
CRIME #2) Race-based genocide. The targeting of Kenyan women with this vaccine is a deliberate selection based on their race. By any reasonable standard, this would be called a racially-motivated hate crime resulting in genocide.
CRIME #3) The deliberate killing of a human being. The spontaneous abortions caused by these HCG-spiked vaccines results in the ending of a human life inside the mother's body. These killings take place without the consent or permission of the mother, nor any opportunity for defense of the life of the unborn child.
CRIME #4) Violation of Geneva Convention limitations on medical experimentation. All these Kenyan women injected with this vaccine are being used as human guinea pigs in a covert, criminal medical experiment. None of these women voluntarily signed up for this medical experiment, nor were they even informed. This is a medical crime against human beings.
CRIME #5) Crimes against women. Only women were selected for this targeted sterilization vaccine effort, proving that this is not only a race-based crime but also a gender-based crime against women.
If you add all this up, you've got weaponized vaccines being intentionally spiked with a known sterilization chemical developed by the WHO, then deployed in a racially-motivated genocidal manner that targets women to be used in an illegal medical experiment administered via vaccine inoculations.

When administered via vaccines, genocide and murder are apparently not news

Yet, despite all this, the mainstream media is perfectly okay with this activity. The World Health Organizations endorses it. The United Nations organizes it. Governments help fund it. Vaccine-pushing scientists excuse it. Media outlets cover it up and censor the story, hoping you don't read Natural News or Life Site News to learn the truth.
When pharmacies in your neighborhood push flu shots and other vaccines, they don't tell you they are part of a branch of medicine steeped in genocide, racially-motivated hate crimes and a medical war on women. They don't tell you that flu shots still contain toxic mercury at concentrations 100 times the mercury found in ocean fish. They don't tell you anything about what's in those vaccines for the same reason that women in Kenya are never told what's in them, either.

Vaccines are the perfect weapons against women and children

The truth is that vaccines are easily deployed as weapons against humanity under the false cover story that they are saving humanity. What better way to pursue deliberate chemically-induced population control than to convince people they are being injected "for their own good?"
This is precisely why Bill Gates famously said:
The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.
Why would Bill Gates be talking about vaccines REDUCING human population if vaccines didn't secretly contain sterilization agents? Remember, Gates is the same person who has funded all sorts of sterilization technologies including one that blasts men's scrotums with high-intensity sound waves to make them infertile.

Top tools for human depopulation

Gates is part of a covert medical cabal that believes aggressive human depopulation is urgently necessary to save the planet. This group, which includes many scientists and virologists, believe that the most effective tools for human depopulation are:
1) Vaccines which are covertly spiked with sterilization chemicals.
2) Genetically engineered viruses with a high mortality rate, possibly engineered to target specific races and genetic profiles.
For example, Dr. Charles Arntzen, head of The Biodesign Institute for Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology recently joked about using an engineered virus to cull the human population, saying "That's the answer! Go out and use genetic engineering to create a better virus. (laughter) Twenty-five percent of the population is supposed to go in Contagion."
As I wrote on October 22, 2014, many virologists believe humans are nothing more than a "parasite" to be consumed by viruses which are the planet's "immune response" to human overpopulation. Here's a passage from the book "The Hot Zone" by Richard Preston, summarizing the way these scientists think:
...the earth is mounting an immune response against the human species. It is beginning to react to the human parasite, the flooding infection of people, the dead spots of concrete all over the planet, the cancerous rot-outs in Europe, Japan and the United States, thick with replicating primates [i.e. humans], the colonies enlarging and spreading and threatening to shock the biosphere with mass extinctions.
Perhaps the biosphere does not "like" the idea of five billion humans. Or it could also be said that the extreme amplification of the human race, which has occurred only in the past hundred years or so, has suddenly produced a very large quantity of meat, which is sitting everywhere in the biosphere and may not be able to defend itself against a life form that might want to consume it...
The earth's immune system, so to speak, has recognized the presence of the human species and is starting to kick in. The earth is attempting to rid itself of an infection by the human parasite.
What's extraordinary in all this -- both with vaccines and viruses engineered as weapons -- is how the most influential people in the scientific community have come to view humanity as an enemy to be destroyed via tools of medicine and science. Frighteningly, modern medical science has the tools to carry out its genocidal assaults on humankind through "accidental" releases of deadly viruses or "accidental" contamination of vaccines with sterilization chemicals.
The evidence of deliberate sterilization chemicals in United Nations vaccines raises the obvious question: Was the recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa also intentional? And what else might scientists, vaccine pushers, world health authorities and governments have in mind for human depopulation in the years ahead?
Is there already something in the food supply that causes sterilization? The answer is a definite YES, and just like the pandemic viruses, it too is genetically engineered.

The five vectors for destroying humanity

These are the vectors for the science-based genocidal assault on humanity:
1) Vaccines
2) Viruses
3) Food
4) Water
5) Chemtrails (i.e. atmospheric deployment of chemicals)
All five of these vectors present "opportunities" for genocidal scientists to achieve their goal of human sterilization and depopulation. That is precisely why anyone who wishes to survive the great human culling now under way must take extraordinary steps to isolate themselves from institutionally-produced food, water and medicine. The only safe food, water and medicine is that which was produced independently and far outside the control of Big Food, Big Ag and Big Pharma.
Don't drink the city water without filtering it first, and read my laboratory testing results for all popular water filters at www.WaterFilterLabs.com
Don't eat factory-produced food. Don't allow yourself to be injected with weaponized vaccines. Don't take Big Pharma's deadly medicines. Be smart by being skeptical about the claimed "safety" of all those things created by institutions and authorities that quite literally want to kill off a significant percentage of the existing world population.
If you're smart and resourceful, you might just survive this great human culling. On the other hand, those who anxiously line up to be injected with the seasonal flu shots are all admitting they are too stupid and gullible to last long in a world where "science" has declared a covert war on human life.
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/047571_vaccines_sterilization_genocide.html#ixzz3QcQxlOlk



WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU EVEN CONSIDER VAXING FOR CHICKENPOX???? The sad thing in all of this is in just a few years suddenly everyone, including those who should know better think of chickenpox as a deadly disease, I really have no words to describe how insane and weak we have become as a whole. I see parents all the time posting online that they will get the vaccine for their kids, or that chickenpox is magically somehow deadly after age 11... UGH! This vaccine was made so parents would not have to miss work to deal with a sick kid, and that kids would not miss time away from the brainwashing machine known as the public school system!

Here is a clip from the documentary "Bought" discussing the issue!!!!!!!!!!


THIS IS GENOCIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 15 kids here, 7 there, 2 or 3 some place else...

Vaccination is one of the worst atrocities that mankind has ever known so it is not much of a stretch to think they would knowingly murder people with vaccines. Already they use vaccines to deny natural immunity to minor illnesses that build the immune system, and they have been caught using vaccines to promote population reduction.


The UN has halted a measles vaccination campaign in northern Syria after at least 15 children died after receiving shots, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed in a joint statement.
“UNICEF and WHO have been shocked and saddened to learn of the deaths of at least 15 young children in Idlib, Syria,” the statement said. “The deaths of the children occurred in areas where a measles immunization campaign had been under way.”
The children were all under the age of two, Reuters reported, citing aid workers.
Around one hour after being given a second round of the measles vaccine in Idlib on Tuesday, the children demonstrated signs of “severe allergic shock,” said Abdullah Ajaj, a physician administering the vaccinations at a medical center in Jarjanaz, according to AP. The second round of vaccinations began in Idlib and Deir Ezzour on Monday.
Reuters / Karoly Arvai
Reuters / Karoly Arvai
Following the vaccine, some of the children’s bodies swelled and they suffocated to death.
“There was shouting and screaming, it was hard for the parents. You get your child vaccinated and then you find your child dying, it’s very hard,” Ajaj said.
Conflicting statements from the Syrian opposition and reports from rights groups have put the number of vaccine-related deaths between 34 and 50.
The WHO said it is sending a team of experts to investigate the incidents, adding that “establishing the precise cause of the children’s deaths is vital.”
The immunization campaign has been suspended in both Idlib and Deir Ezzour provinces. However, UNICEF and the WHO are hopeful that the campaign could resume “as soon as possible.”
Reuters / Hosam Katan
Reuters / Hosam Katan
While it is believed that measles outbreaks can effectively be contained by vaccinations, they can be very dangerous in undeveloped areas. The disease is transmitted through bodily fluids, coughing, and tears from the eyes.
UN agencies and other non-government organizations have been providing medical services in Syria since the uprising against President Bashar Assad began in March 2011.
The Syrian conflict has since turned into a full-scale civil war, with more than 190,000 people killed, according to UN.
On Tuesday, Assad said the fight against terrorism must begin by placing more pressure on countries which are supporting and financing insurgents in Syria and Iraq.
READ MORE: Assad calls to stop funding armed groups in Syria, Iraq
Meanwhile, the US announced that it has plans to take “targeted actions against ISIS (Islamic State/ISIL) safe havens in Syria,” including striking infrastructure. US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel unveiled a plan to boost Iraqi forces with 1,600 US “military advisers.”
The US will also train and equip 5,000 members of the Syrian opposition to fight militants from the Islamic State group.

YES!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU DO WANT YOUR KID TO CATCH MEASLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Measles, mumps, chickenpox, and rubella ALL have positive health benefits unlike the vaccine. The CDC knows this as does pharma, they also know people are waking up so they are amping up the fear and the propaganda against anyone who dares to question vaccines. Measles along with the other childhood diseases are a big deal because they build the immune system. Check out the following information which is just the tip of the iceberg! These minor illnesses of childhood build and prime the immune system for much worse things! Seek out the childhood diseases, have them, and be immune for life!


In the majority of children the whole episode has been well and truly over in a week, from the prodromal phase to the disappearance of the rash, and many mothers have remarked “how much good the attack has done their children,”as they seem so much better after the measles. . . In this practice measles is considered as a relatively mild and inevitable childhood ailment that is best encountered any time from 3 to 7 years of age. Over the past 10 years there have been few serious complications at any age, and all children have made complete recoveries. As a result of this reasoning no special attempts have been made at prevention even in young infants in whom the disease has not been found to be especially serious. (Vital Statistics, British Medical Journal, February 7 1959, p. 381)

Measles Cures Psoriasis!

A 6-year-old girl suffering from severe psoriasis had been treated unsuccessfully by various conventional methods. She developed measles and, on recovery from measles, the psoriasis soon cleared up and now, 6 months later, she still has had no further recurrence. The basic defect in psoriasis, basal cell hyperplasia and defective keratinization, may well be immunologically mediated. Measles virus, by its immunosuppressive effect can lead to remission of psoriasis.
Source: Chakravarti VS, Lingam S. Measles induced remission of psoriasis. Ann Trop Paediatr. 1986 Dec;6(4):293-4.

Kids Who Have Measles Have Less Allergies!

OBJECTIVE: Viral and bacterial infections in childhood decrease the likelihood of allergic diseases in later life. The frequency of allergic diseases in patients with a history of measles has been reported to be low but some studies still suggest that measles can increase the frequency of allergic diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency of allergic diseases following measles in childhood. METHODS: Fifty-two children hospitalized in our clinic with measles were compared with 51 children without measles. Allergic diseases were investigated in both groups by using the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) questionnaire. In all children, allergy skin tests were performed with the four most common allergens. RESULTS: Sensitivity to Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus was less frequent in children with measles than in those without (p < 0.05). A history of nebulized salbutamol use in the emergency room in the previous 12 months was also less frequent in the measles group (p < 0.05). Inhaled corticosteroid use was more common in the group without measles (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that findings of allergic disease are less frequent in children with a history of measles. These children were less sensitive to D. pteronyssinus.
Allergol Immunopathol (Madr). 2006 Jul-Aug;34(4):146-9.

Measles Stops Allergy To Dust Mite!

BACKGROUND: Epidemiological studies have led to speculation that infections in early childhood may prevent allergic sensitisation but evidence to support this hypothesis is lacking. We investigated whether measles infection protects against the development of atopy in children of Guinea-Bissau, West Africa. METHODS: We conducted a historical cohort study in Bandim, a semi-rural district of Bissau, the capital of Guinea-Bissau. 395 young adults, first surveyed in 1978-80 aged 0-6 years, were followed up in 1994. Our analyses were restricted to 262 individuals still living in Bandim for whom a measles history, documented in childhood, was judged to be reliable. We defined atopy as skin-prick test positivity (> or = 3 mm weal) to one or more of seven allergens. FINDINGS: 17 (12.8 percent) of 133 participants who had had measles infection were atopic compared with 33 (25.6 percent) of 129 of those who had been vaccinated and not had measles (odds ratio, adjusted for potential confounding variables 0.36 [95 percent CI 0.17-0.78], p=O.O1). Participants who had been breastfed for more than a year were less likely to have a positive skin test to housedust mite. After adjustment for breastfeeding and other variables, measles infection was associated with a large reduction in the risk of skin-prick test positivity to housedust mite (odds ratio for Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 0.20 [0.05-0.81], p=0.02; D farinae 0.20 [0.06-0.71], p=0.01). INTERPRETATION: Measles infection may prevent the development of atopy in African children.
Measles and atopy in Guinea-Bissau. Lancet. 1996 Jun 29;347(9018):1792-6.


Mumps can be much more painful as an adult however sterility is usually not a consequence.


"The mumps vaccine, a high-risk, low-benefit product struck me and plenty of other doctors as silly from the moment it was introduced........the chance of sterility from mumps is overrated since in practically every case of mumps orchitis (inflammation of the testes) only one testis is affected, and a man could repopulate the entire world with the other one."--Dr Mendelsohn MD
Mumps has been shown to reduce some cancers.

"Epidemiologic studies found childhood mumps might protect against ovarian cancer. To explain this association, we investigated whether mumps might engender immunity to ovarian cancer through antibodies against the cancer-associated antigen MUC1 abnormally expressed in the inflamed parotid gland."


Not only is chickenpox milder for kids, it also has been sown to reduce cancer risk!
"The researchers also asked participants about their history of chicken pox. A latent infection is known to promote low level inflammation in the brain, which could also provide an immune response that protects against tumor development. They found that a history of chicken pox significantly reduced the risk of developing AA tumors. The risk of developing the other two kinds of tumors studied was also reduced (40 percent for GMB and 22 percent for LGG), but not significantly so."


Rubella also known as German measles and 3 day measles is a very mild illness in children BUT can be devastating for expecting mothers who catch it because it can cause birth defects. Before the vaccine parents would make sure little girls and even boys would catch it be sick for a few days and be done with it. Along comes the vaccine and what do you know it has a pretty high failure rate!


"immunologic and virological studies were performed in 13 adults (12 women and one man) who failed to seroconvert (as shown by rubella hemagglutination-inhibition [HAI] techniques) after single or repeated courses of HPV-77 DE/5 or RA 27/3 rubella virus vaccine. Immunologic sensitization to rubella virus was assessed from six months to eight years (mean, 3.0 years) after the last course of rubella virus vaccine by using HAI, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), single radial hemolysis (SRH), neutralization, and virus-specific lymphoproliferative techniques. Despite HAI seronegativity, 11 of 13 subjects demonstrated significant sensitization to rubella virus proteins, as indicated by ELISA (10 of 13), neutralization (9 of 11), SRH (4 of 11), and rubella lymphocyte stimulation techniques (9 of 13). In addition, rubella virus was isolated from three individuals by using cocultivation techniques with peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Failed rubella immunization in adults may have more significance than previously recognized in view of altered patterns of virus-specific immunity and the association of this failure with the rubella virus carrier state."