Tuesday, March 15, 2016



Chickenpox is one of several minor childhood illness nearly every child experiences in their early years, or at least they used to. Mild fever, a few days of itchy spots, and that was it. What remained was a strengthened immune system and possibly a few minor scars. Since the introduction of a vaccine, chickenpox has become a thing of the past...... or has it? What consequences are there for changing the natural course of a benign childhood disease?
The chickenpox vaccine was introduced in the United States in the mid 90's, and was soon thereafter added to the CDC vaccine schedule. Initially, it was recommended anyone under age 13 receive one dose of the vaccine while anyone over 13 receive two doses, claiming two doses would incur lifetime immunity. Following its implementation, children under 13 continued to contract chicken pox, so in 2006 the CDC recommended that younger children also receive 2 doses of the vaccine. The CDC also claims the vaccine makes this mild disease somehow less dangerous, but this isn't always the case. So, how safe is this vaccine really?

There are two live virus vaccines for chickenpox licensed in the U.S.: Varivax and ProQuad (MMRV), both manufactured by Merck.
  • The CDC recommends children receive a chickenpox vaccination at 12 months and a booster dose between 4 and 6 years of age;
  • Reported complications from the chickenpox vaccine include: shock, seizures, brain inflammation (encephalitis), thrombocytopenia (blood disorder), Guillain-Barre Syndrome, death, and infection with vaccine-strain chickenpox including possible transmission of vaccine-strain chickenpox to others;
  • Chickenpox vaccine effectiveness is reported to be 44 percent for any form of the disease and 86 percent for moderate to severe disease;
  • Mass use of the chickenpox vaccine in the U.S. has removed the opportunity for the natural boosting of immunity in the population by re-exposure, which provides protection from shingles occurrences. Due to this, adults as well as vaccinated children are now experiencing shingles outbreaks;
  • In 2006, the CDC recommended an additional dose of the chickenpox vaccine for all children under age 13, and a shingles vaccine was licensed and recommended for all adults over age 60 in an attempt to combat the rising occurrence of shingles outbreaks.
  • As of September 1, 2015, there had been 122 claims filed in the federal Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) for injuries and deaths following chickenpox or varicella vaccination, including 8 deaths and 114 serious injuries.
  • Using the MedAlerts search engine, as of September 30, 2015 there have been 3,358 serious adverse reactions reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) in connection with chickenpox varicella-containing vaccines since 1990. Over half of all reported serious chickenpox vaccine-related adverse events occurred in children six years old and under. Of those, 161 were deaths, with over 60% of the deaths occurring in children under six years of age.

Chickenpox cannot thoroughly be discussed without also mentioning shingles: the reactivation of the varicella virus due to stress or a compromised immune system. The chickenpox vaccine is not used in the UK and many other countries around the world because it is known that re-exposure to the chickenpox virus is required to prevent waning immunity in older individuals, i.e. shingles outbreaks. “If there is less chickenpox in children then there will be no boosting of immunity by exposure to chickenpox for middle and older aged people and thus there will be more shingles, at least until all the elderly have been vaccinated as children but this assumes that immunity conferred by vaccination is lifelong.”


Studies have shown that the chickenpox vaccine does increase the risk of shingles, but even that fact is being distorted: “Vaccinating one-year-olds against chickenpox could temporarily nearly double the incidence of shingles in the wider population, but in younger adults than previously thought.”
It should be mentioned that MERCK is maker of both the vaccine for shingles and chickenpox.

Many parents still opt for natural infection. This is due to vaccine failure as well as the unknown duration of effectiveness this vaccine may offer. I will be keeping this blog post updated with stories, videos, and pictures of real people from around the world who have experienced chickenpox. I personally did not have chickenpox as a child, and am therefore also attempting to gain exposure as part of my documentary entitled “SPOTTING THE TRUTH!”
Here is what the chickenpox were like for a family from the Midwestern United States that opted for natural immunity, as you can see everything is fine, just an award winning case of the chickenpox.

The next chickenpox experience comes from New Zealand, this family was kind enough to give full details of their chickenpox experience.

I will be doing similar blog posts for other childhood diseases, including mumps, measles, and rubella. I recently did a blog post regarding mumps, which can be seen here:

If you, or someone you know, currently has a childhood disease and is open to considering my exposure, please contact me. If anyone has had a childhood disease and is open to sharing their personal experiences, please consider giving an interview. Any/all identifying information will be kept strictly confidential at your request. Whether you support natural immunity, have personal experience with vaccine injury, or just want to help with my project, please feel free to contact me:

Or privately
at forcedanarchy@gmail.com

Friday, March 4, 2016



Mumps, such a silly word for a mild but painful illness that last a few days and then you are immune for life.

For those who are new to my blog, I am a film maker working on a documentary titled "SPOTTING THE TRUTH!" which deals with natural immunity and vaccine injury. As the title of my blog post implies I am trying to catch the mumps!!!! I can almost hear the gasp, laughs, and insults flowing through my computer BUT if you give me a few I will explain....

Most people in America do not realise that a good portion of the world simply does not see the need to vaccinate for the mumps, and here in the United States there are outbreaks on college and university campuses each spring for the last four or five years, this mirrors a trend that has been happening in the UK over the last several years.


Anyone who is on twitter or facebook can see the angry post where people are blaming the non vaccinated but it seems they are ignoring the news reports that saying a large number of the people who are catching it are vaccinated.


There is another reason behind the sharp rise in mumps cases. Merck maker of the MMR (Mumps, Measles, Rubella) vaccine has been accused of lying about the effectiveness of the vaccine and is currently in the middle of a lawsuit. I am still asking myself why this is not being told to every person who is considering the vaccine.
As a person who supports the concept of natural immunity, I am a firm believer that it is best simply to get the mumps over and done with and enjoy knowing that once you have had it you will not get it again. One of the arguments used to promote the mumps vaccine is the concern over sterility for males after having the mumps. This is more or less an old wives tale. Mumps was considered a trivial illness before the push for the vaccine to be mandated.

"If total sterility as a consequence of orchitis were a significant threat, and if the mumps immunizations assured adult males that they would not contract it, I would be among those doctors who urge immunization. I'm not, because their argument makes no sense. Orchitis rarely causes sterility, and when it does, because only one testicle is usually affected, the sperm production capacity of the unaffected testicle could repopulate the world! And that's not all. No one knows whether the mumps vaccination confers an immunity that lasts into the adult years. Consequently, there is an open question whether, when your child is immunized against mumps at fifteen months arid escapes this disease in childhood, he may suffer more serious consequences when he contracts it as an adult."


There is another reason not to fear the mumps and for people to actually want to catch it.

"Epidemiologic studies found childhood mumps might protect against ovarian cancer. To explain this association, we investigated whether mumps might engender immunity to ovarian cancer through antibodies against the cancer-associated antigen MUC1 abnormally expressed in the inflamed parotid gland."


Knowing all of this I have to ask why a person would want to be vaccinated for the mumps, I mean sure it is not fun but neither is the common cold and we accept that as something you have to deal with.

One thing they are not totally honest about with the mumps vaccine here in the United States is that it can give you the mumps, or at least a mild form of it. The MMR is a live virus vaccine so one has to question if this version of the mumps is contagious. For me this is the deal breaker, if I am going to get sick I want something that is going offer me lasting immunity and that can only come from natural infection.

"About three to four weeks after having the MMR injection, one in 50 children develop a mild form of mumps. This includes swelling of the glands in the cheek, neck or under the jaw, and lasts for a day or two."



As previously stated the mumps are a mild infection that most people handle rather well and when recovered have a lifetime of natural immunity. I thought it would be a good idea to hear from people who actually have the mumps.
The first mumps experience comes from a university student named Kyle who lives in the mid west United States. I have to say he was a real sport about this given the fact I am a pushy film maker / blogger.  His experience along with pictures and video are below.

"I am currently on day 6 of having the mumps. I have been vaccinated twice for the mumps and obviously they did not work. Last Thursday I woke up with what I thought was a sore throat until I saw my self in the mirror and noticed my neck was a bit swollen. I knew this could have been the mumps because a good friend of mine had the mumps at the time. So I went to the doctor and they confirmed I had the mumps. The doctor sent me home and told me to stay in my room for 5 days or until the swelling went down. Each day the swelling got worse until day 4 and since then it has gone slightly down each day. When the swelling was at its worst it was painful to eat it was like a burning feeling in the left side of my mouth, but soon enough I was to hungry not to care. I lost my voice on the third day because of the swelling. I also had some muscle aches in my back and shoulders. Another symptom I have is fatigue, I've been sleeping 12 plus hours every night which is way above normal for me."--Kyle

Here is a video of Kyle's mumps he is on day 6 and his face is swollen but he is in good spirits, I am fairly certain that unless this is the zombie virus he is going to be just fine!


So there you have it folks, this is what it is like to have the mumps, I will be keeping this blog post updated as more people tell me of their experiences. I will be doing similar blog post for the other childhood diseases, this will serve as a public archive and as a reminder to me to get my documentary done!
Now back to me wanting the mumps, I am actually trying to catch the mumps along with the other childhood diseases, I even missed out on chickenpox as a kid!
Check out the following link to learn more about my documentary "SPOTTING THE TRUTH!"  https://nvnin.wordpress.com/2016/03/01/what-i-need-to-finish-my-non-vax-natural-immunity-documentary/
If you know anyone willing to share the mumps, give an interview, or just want to help with my project contact me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/NATURALIMMUNITY twitter @forcedanarchy or email me privately forcedanarchy@gmail.com

Tuesday, March 1, 2016


THIS is what I need to finish the documentary that I am doing titled "SPOTTING THE TRUTH". This is a near impossible project but if people step up and help me I can do this! I need to connect with people who are non vaxers seeking natural immunity to the various childhood diseases for their families.

I need interviews before, during, and after families have had the childhood diseases. I need video interviews with parents about the experience of the various childhood diseases (chickenpox, mumps, measles, rubella) and interviews with older kids, teens, college students who might contract one of the childhood illnesses. I need interviews on video while they have chickenpox or one of the childhood diseases, or even better interviews after they have been exposed, and then during the illness, as well as after they are better--sort of like a video diary.

I am also seeking exposure to all of the childhood diseases for myself not only because I have never had any childhood disease (not even chickenpox) but because I would never ask anyone to do something that I am not willing to do myself. I plan on keeping a video diary of the experience and use that as part of the documentary as well as making daily blog post.
I also need to talk to many of the countless people who have been vaccine injured. Vaccine injuries are far to common and in my opinion happen 100% of the time when you vaccinate.

These interviews are crucial to the project!!!! 
I need families to come forward and tell their stories, I want to make sure they have a voice!!!!

After this I will try to talk to medical experts who are against vaccines and get their take on this. I am not even sure if anyone will speak with me. I plan on doing this after I  have completed every other aspect of the project.
I will use the CDC and Pharma's own information against them. I will also be using the propaganda of the media and pro vaxers against them. IF PEOPLE HELP ME I CAN DO THIS!!!!

For those wondering WHY the documentary I am doing is not just focusing on vaccine injury and is spotlighting natural immunity it is because proving and showing on film that they are lying about the severity of the childhood diseases will shut down one of the biggest arguments the pro vaxers use to justify poisoning humanity. This is why I am seeking out the childhood diseases for myself, and it is why I need to find non vaxing families who are willing to be interviewed before, during, and after the childhood diseases. With that being said talking with the families of the vaccine injured is just as important and will play a huge role in this film.

Lastly, I need to explain that this project is being shot on cell phones and consumer grade video cameras, YES!!!! THIS CAN BE DONE!!!! Award winning films have been shot on the iphone. Shooting the film on cell phones and consumer grade video cameras ensures that  I can reach many people and their stories will be told! It also means I can use my blog to update people on a regular basis. It means I can get interviews from around the world. It will be a win for anyone interested in the truth!

If you are interested in my project, or want to help feel free to message me privately on facebook https://www.facebook.com/NATURALIMMUNITY  twitter https://twitter.com/forcedanarchy or email me forcedanarchy@gmail.com